Shri Gunanka D.B, IFS
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya
Member-Secretary, BRDC
Bio-Resources Development Centre was established for conservation and sustainable utilization of bioresources. The first step towards conservation of bioresources was taken up by establishment of the Tissue Culture Laboratory in which indigenous orchids of Meghalaya were micro propagated and planting materials generated thereof were given back to nature through the community orchid parks at community level in various districts of the State.
The activities of the Centre has been extended to meet the mandate of the Centre which is “Availing biological technology and appropriating such affordable technology as meaningful knowledge for Social, Economic and Environmental Development” and include activities such as action research on bioinoculants, value addition of herbal formulation, development of biopesticides, bioinsecticides using local plant resources, etc. Seed saving activities at BRDC Experimental Farm as well as at Community level is an initiative to cater to the demand of organic seeds by the farming communities of the State. Skill development and trainings are taken up by the Centre for farmers, traditional healers, women bio entrepreneurs and students to generate skilled man power and entrepreneurs in the field of biotechnology.
The Centre was also authorized as an Organic Certification Agency of the State and is also an authorized Regional Council of PGS, India for Organic Certification of agricultural crops, livestock and processing.
I am looking forward to many more meaningful activities which can be helpful to the farmers and the community as a whole.